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18-630 Computers and Security

Department:Electrical & Comp. Eng.
Cross-listed:19-631 , 95-830
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The growing importance of networks and distributed systems, and their use to support safety-critical applications, has made computer and communications security a central issue for systems today. This course will introduce students to the technical foundations of computer and communications security. These foundations will be illustrated using deployed systems as case studies. The course will assume a basic working knowledge of computers and networks, but will not assume any prior exposure to topics in computer or communications security. Graduate standing or permission of the instructor is required.

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  Students also scheduled
18-730 Introduction to Computer Security
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18-342 Fundamentals of Embedded Systems
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18-756 Packet Switching and Computer Netwo...
95-729 Electronic Commerce Technologies
17-756 Dynamic Organizations and Networks
45-750 Managerial Economics
14-745 INI Research Seminar

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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