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17-756 Dynamic Organizations and Networks

Department:Software Engineering
Cross-listed:39-752 , 88-752 , 90-926
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Individuals and technology shape and are shaped by organizations. Individuals and organizations are also affected by sets of interlinked networks linking people, technology, organizations, knowledge and resources. In this world of networks and organizations, how do coordination, communication, power, tasks, goals, and information interact to affect group and organizational behavior and the impact of information technology on this behavior? How do we conceptualize, measure, and evaluate organizations and networks? How do we evaluate the impact of policies and technology on these organizations and networks especially given the fact that organizations and networks are dynamic? This course provides an overview of the dominant perspectives on organizations and networks from a macro perspective. Topics covered include knowledge management, organizational design, organizational learning, organizational evolution and population ecology, organizational culture, organizations as complex systems, transactive memory, computational organization theory, social and organizational networks, and dynamic network analysis.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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