| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:00 | 17642 A4 Comparative Methods of Software Development | 16299 A Introduction to Feedback Control Systems | 17642 A4 Comparative Methods of Software Development | 16299 A Introduction to Feedback Control Systems | |
9:30 | 17690 A Seminar in Software Process |
10:00 |
10:30 | 17619 A Introduction to Real-Time Software and Systems | 16721 A Advanced Robot Perception | 17619 A Introduction to Real-Time Software and Systems | 16721 A Advanced Robot Perception |
11:00 |
11:30 | |
12:00 | 11761 A Language and Statistics | 11741 A Information Retrieval | 95773 A Information Retrieval | 11761 A Language and Statistics | 11741 A Information Retrieval | 95773 A Information Retrieval | |
12:30 | |
1:00 | |
1:30 | 16765 A Introduction to Mobile Robot Systems | 11749 A Special Topics in Information Retrieval | 16765 A Introduction to Mobile Robot Systems | | |
2:00 | | |
2:30 | | |
3:00 | 15721 A Database System Design and Implementation | 16711 A Kinematics, Dynamic Systems and Control | 15721 A Database System Design and Implementation | 16711 A Kinematics, Dynamic Systems and Control | 15721 A Database System Design and Implementation |
3:30 |
4:00 |
4:30 | | 17657 A Communication for Software Engineers II | | | |
5:00 | | | | |
5:30 | | | | |
6:00 | | 17691 A4 Seminar in Software Development Tools | 17691 A3 Seminar in Software Development Tools | | | |
6:30 | | 16199 A Building the Future | | |
7:00 | | | |
7:30 | | | |
8:00 | | | | |