| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:00 | | 42604 A Biological Transport | | 42604 A Biological Transport | |
9:30 | | | |
10:00 | | | |
10:30 | 76101 F Interpretation and Argument | 79254 A The Pacific Islands: History and Culture | 76101 F Interpretation and Argument | 79254 A The Pacific Islands: History and Culture | 76101 F Interpretation and Argument |
11:00 |
11:30 | 48441 A Frank Lloyd Wright | 48441 A Frank Lloyd Wright | 48441 A Frank Lloyd Wright |
12:00 | 79209 A Theory and Practice in Anthropology | 79209 A Theory and Practice in Anthropology |
12:30 | 70240 A Business Acting | 70240 A Business Acting | 70240 A Business Acting |
1:00 |
1:30 | 48405 D Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48405 C Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48405 B Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48405 A Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48442 A Asian Architecture | 48405 D Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48405 C Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48405 B Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48405 A Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48442 A Asian Architecture | 48405 D Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48405 C Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48405 B Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration | 48405 A Architecture Design Studio: Systems Integration |
2:00 |
2:30 |
3:00 | 48446 A Renaissance & Baroque Architecture | 48446 A Renaissance & Baroque Architecture |
3:30 |
4:00 |
4:30 | | | | | |
5:00 | | | | | |
5:30 | | | | | |
6:00 | | | | | |
6:30 | 70641 A Color Reproduction and Management | 48095 B Architecture for Non-Majors I | 48095 A Architecture for Non-Majors I | | 48095 B Architecture for Non-Majors I | 48095 A Architecture for Non-Majors I | |
7:00 | | |
7:30 | | |
8:00 | | |
8:30 | | | | |
9:00 | | | | |