| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8:30 | | | | | 70122 B Introduction to Accounting |
9:00 | | 82324 A Contemporary Germany, Austria and Switzerland | | 82324 A Contemporary Germany, Austria and Switzerland |
9:30 | | | 18321 A Analysis and Design of Analog Circuits |
10:00 | | |
10:30 | 21236 A Mathematical Studies II | 15291 A Special Topic: Human-Computer Interaction for Computer Scientists | 21236 A Mathematical Studies II | 15291 A Special Topic: Human-Computer Interaction for Computer Scientists | 21236 A Mathematical Studies II |
11:00 |
11:30 | 21700 A Mathematical Logic II | 21700 A Mathematical Logic II | 21700 A Mathematical Logic II |
12:00 | | |
12:30 | | 21127 E Concepts of Mathematics | 15211 I Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms | 21127 E Concepts of Mathematics | |
1:00 | | |
1:30 | 18220 B Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering | 18799 B Special Topics in Signal Processing | 15391 1 Technology Consulting in the Community | 18799 B Special Topics in Signal Processing | 15391 A Technology Consulting in the Community |
2:00 |
2:30 | 18220 C Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering |
3:00 | | |
3:30 | 18220 A Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering | 21127 H Concepts of Mathematics | | 21127 H Concepts of Mathematics | |
4:00 | | |
4:30 | | 06720 A Advanced Process Systems Engineering | | 06720 A Advanced Process Systems Engineering | |
5:00 | | | |
5:30 | | | |
6:00 | | | |
6:30 | 79360 A Photographers and Photography Since World War II | 62360 A Photographers and Photography Since World War II | 67305 A3 Special Topics: Application Software Development in .NET | 67304 A4 Database Design and Implementation | | | |
7:00 | | | |
7:30 | | | |
8:00 | | | |
8:30 | | | |
9:00 | | | |