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|  | 21-236 Mathematical Studies II 
 A unified and intensive presentation of algebra, analysis, and geometry by a team of instructors. For capable and dedicated students who can allot a substantial amount of time to the study of mathematics. Aims at providing a modern background in mathematics for a career in pure or applied mathematics, science, or engineering. Topics covered include analysis in IR, analysis in Euclidean spaces, linear algebra, geometry, algebraic theories, multi-linear algebra, ordinary differential equations. Covers and extends the material in the courses Calculus in Three Dimensions, Advanced Calculus I and II, Algebraic Structures, and Linear Algebra I. Normally taken by students in the fourth semester. On completion a number of options are open, among them the Honors Degree Program. Participation by invitation. |  | 
Popularity index |  |  Students also scheduled |  | |  Spring 2005 times |  | A | 10:30 - 11:20 am | M | Handron, Cummings | DH 1209 | |  | | 1:30 - 2:20 pm | M | Handron, Cummings | DH 2105 | |  | | 10:30 - 11:20 am | W | Handron, Cummings | DH 1209 | |  | | 1:30 - 2:20 pm | W | Handron, Cummings | DH 2105 | |  | | 10:30 - 11:20 am | F | Handron, Cummings | DH 1209 | |  | | 1:30 - 2:20 pm | F | Handron, Cummings | DH 2105 | |  |
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