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  Courses starting at 3:00 pm on Thursday

Number Title Units  
79-244 Pittsburgh and the Transformation of Modern Urban America 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-264 Islam and Modernity 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-309 The Politics of American Military Recruitment: Historical Perspectives 9.0 Add course to my schedule
80-180 The Nature of Language 9.0 Add course to my schedule
80-242 Conflict, Dispute Resolution 9.0 Add course to my schedule
80-314 Logic and Artificial Intelligence 9-12 Add course to my schedule
80-323 Philosophy of Biology 9.0 Add course to my schedule
80-614 Logic Artificial Intelligence 9-12 Add course to my schedule
82-085 Reading and Writing in a Multi-Cultural Setting 9.0 Add course to my schedule
82-184 Freshman Seminar: The Birth and Death of Tragedy 9.0 Add course to my schedule
82-399 Special Topics Russian 3-12 Add course to my schedule
82-489 Service Learning in the Community 9-12 Add course to my schedule
85-320 Research Methods in Developmental Psychology 9.0 Add course to my schedule
88-120 Reason, Passion and Cognition 9.0 Add course to my schedule
88-222 Policy Analysis III 12.0 Add course to my schedule
88-358 Policy Making Institutions 9.0 Add course to my schedule
90-720 Physical Technical Systems II 12.0 Add course to my schedule
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