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76-700 Professional Seminar

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This once-a week, 3-unit seminar is required for all first-semester MAPW students and is designed to give them an overview of the broad range of career options in professional and technical writing. Practicing professionals in a range of communications fields - writing for the internet, corporate communications, public relations, information design, magazine writing, science writing, writing in consulting firms, electronic journalism, medical communications, and writing for the software industry -- come to campus to talk with students and answer their questions. Speakers generally talk informally about what they do, how they got into their fields, how students can prepare to enter those fields, and related career options. At the end of each session there is generally time for students to talk individually with speakers.

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  Students also scheduled
76-786 Language and Culture
76-870 Professional and Technical Writing
76-887 On-Line Information Design
76-775 Magazine Writing
76-888 On-Line Information Design Lab
76-771 Language in Design
76-705 Professional Internship
39-605 Engineering Design Projects
76-787 Sociolinguistics
05-813 Human Factors

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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