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82-434 Studies in Chinese Traditions

Department:Modern Languages
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This course is designed for students who have reached the advanced level of Chinese. It aims to introduce to the students Chinese culture and traditions through the study of the different styles of Chinese used in authentic literary works, both modern and classical, including excerpts from famous novels, essays and classical poems. Students will not only learn the difference between spoken and written styles of Chinese and between modern and classical Chinese but also understand more deeply the history of Chinese traditions and civilization. With this knowledge, combined with their ability to use different styles of Chinese language, students will be prepared to function in a generally effective way in the real situations of China in the future. Prerequisite: 82-332 or approved equivalent.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#415
Rank in this department:#21

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 12:30 - 1:20 pm M Yu BH 255A Add course to my schedule
W Yu BH 255A
F Yu BH 255A

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