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69-128 Shaolin (Kung Fu) Temple Boxing

Department:Physical Education
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Shaolin Temple Boxing trains the external aspects of Chinese Kung Fu which helps beginning students attain firm balance, flexibility, agility, good posture and stance work, proper mechanical and structural alignment, coordination, stability while moving, and a physically strong body. A well-rounded physical regimen will warm up the muscles and elongate the tendons for the Stationary Basic exercises, Walking Basics, and Kicking Basics, leading into Empty Hand Forms Practice and Sparring. Emphasis will be placed on knowledge fundamental techniques and power-issuing methods. These basic skills are practiced in the context of developing all aspects of the fighting arts such as foot and leg work, striking with all parts of the body; seizing and locking (qin na); and throwing (shuai jiao). The instructor is Marc P. Black.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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