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57-358 Career Strategies for Musicians I

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This second-half mini course is the first of a two-part course designed to help students plan for a career in music. Part I, offered for spring-semester juniors, will provide students with an overview of post-graduation options: graduate school, fellowships, full-time positions, freelancing, and teaching. Students will learn how to plan for and pursue these options and will develop the skills needed for this level of planning and career development. Students will also learn about a variety of resources that will help them more successfully navigate a career in music. Finally, throughout this mini-course, students will begin to build or refine their professional materials including: resume, bio, headshot, presentation skills, and recording.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1242
Rank in this department:#88

  Students also scheduled
57-418 Major Instrumental Ensemble
57-392 Keyboard Studies
57-363 String Methods
57-362 Woodwind Methods
57-336 Instrumental/Choral Conducting
57-225 Contemporary Ensemble
57-100 Convocation

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A3 12:30 - 1:20 pm M Schwartz MM 116 Add course to my schedule
W Schwartz MM 116

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