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48-343 American Built Environment Since 1860

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From the invention of the elite suburb in the mid 19th century to 21st century attempts to harness sprawl, this course traces the changes in American architecture and communities since 1860. In addition to establishing the basic chronological and stylistic evolution of high style and popular American architecture, we will examine the variety of factors that influenced the built environment, including issues of class, gender, race, and financing. Students will develop their "architectural literacy" in order to be able to read the built environment by dentifying and explaining major movements and styles, building types, regional patterns, urban, suburban and rural contexts, architects' influences, and the relevance of class, gender, and race. Architectural literacy includes knowing key examples as well as the critical ability to evaluate "unknowns." It also requires an understanding of the social, cultural, technological, political, and artistic factors that influence the creation of the built environment. Students will also develop their skills of critical thinking, quality research, and clear writing through Pittsburgh "walk around" exams and a major research paper.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#571
Rank in this department:#6

  Students also scheduled
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51-231 Calligraphy I

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am T Shaw CFA 102 Add course to my schedule
R Shaw CFA 102

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