| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:00 | | 48721 A Building Controls and Diagnostics | | 48721 A Building Controls and Diagnostics | |
9:30 | | 48766 A AEC Synthesis | |
10:00 | | |
10:30 | 36626 A Probability and Mathematical Statistics II | 48343 A American Built Environment Since 1860 | 36626 A Probability and Mathematical Statistics II | 48343 A American Built Environment Since 1860 | 36626 A Probability and Mathematical Statistics II |
11:00 |
11:30 | 70340 C Business Communications | 70340 C Business Communications | 70340 C Business Communications |
12:00 | 15453 A Formal Languages and Automata | 15453 A Formal Languages and Automata |
12:30 | 70340 D Business Communications | 70340 D Business Communications | 70340 D Business Communications |
1:00 |
1:30 | 48706 A Urban Design Studio | 48505 1 Studio X | 70639 A Advanced Interactive Media Management | 80618 A Computability and Proof Search | 80318 A Computability and Proof Search | 70639 A Advanced Interactive Media Management | |
2:00 | |
2:30 | | |
3:00 | | 79244 A Pittsburgh and the Transformation of Modern Urban America | 79244 A Pittsburgh and the Transformation of Modern Urban America | |
3:30 | | |
4:00 | | |
4:30 | | | | | |
5:00 | | | | | |
5:30 | | | | | |
6:00 | | | | | |
6:30 | | 79321 A Picasso and 20th Century Art | 60357 A Picasso & 20th Century Art | | 79321 A Picasso and 20th Century Art | 60357 A Picasso & 20th Century Art | |
7:00 | | | |
7:30 | | | |