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18-777 Complex Large-Scale Dynamic Systems

Department:Electrical & Comp. Eng.
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This course is motivated by the ever-growing complexity of man-made dynamic systems and the need for flexible monitoring, operations and design techniques for such systems. Of particular interest are systematic model-based methods for relating the key real-life problems for such systems and the state-of-the-art techniques for large-scale dynamic systems. Examples of such real-life complex systems are critical man-made infrastructure systems (electric power systems, gas networks, transport industries, data networks, and their interdependencies) as well as large-scale systems on chips. In this course we will first review the traditional large-scale methods for model simplification (aggregation), time scale separation of sub-processes and singular perturbation techniques to account for these, stability analysis, and estimation and control. In the second, novel part of this course, we recognize the highly interactive nature of the evolving complex systems, in which much monitoring, data gathering, and decision making is made at the lower, physical levels of the system, and some coordination exists at the higher system level at which physical layers interact. Several conceptual challenges are posed for minimal coordination of such decision makers under high uncertainties, in order to have predictable performance. These concepts will be illustrated using the same man-made network systems of interest introduced at the beginning of the course. Requirements: Some background in dynamic systems is highly desirable. Students interested in large-scale real-life complex systems, their relation to the state-of-the-art methods available and new research challenges will gain from taking this course. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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