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48-562 Cultural Memory in Urban Space

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Though national attention has recently been more focused on cultural memory though media discussions in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, we often take for granted the "places of memory" that inhabit our everyday environment where we filter out 'unimportant' stimuli as we go about our daily routine. In this course, we will examine "cultural memory" as social process and artistic practice. We will begin by defining what Halbwachs called "collective memory," in contrast to personal reminiscence. What is cultural memory and how are such memories manifested? How are practices of national, regional, and local identity related to sites of cultural memory? These are just a few of the questions we will consider through our discussion of case studies, theoretical essays, and art works. The course will focus primarily on post WWII examples of cultural memory in public space, but studets may consider other periods or forms in their assignments.

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  Spring 2005 times

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