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70-453 Systems analysis and Design

Department:Business Administration
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This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of how to develop and implement computer-based management information systems. Students will be introduced to a variety of system development concepts and techniques. These can include traditional approaches such as top-down or structured analysis, problem definition, feasibility analysis, enterprise analysis, and data flow diagrams, as well as interactive and iterative development approaches such as prototyping and object-oriented concepts and techniques. The course also explores topics related to successful implementation of systems such as testing strategies, project management, user oriented design and software maintenance. Students will work in teams to analyze, design, and build a small information system.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#239
Rank in this department:#16

  Students also scheduled
70-455 Information Resource Management
15-200 Advanced Programming/Practicum
70-492 Investment Analysis
70-495 Corporate Finance
70-345 Oral Communications
18-100 Introduction to Electrical and Comp...
82-272 Intermediate Japanese II
70-643 Publishing on the World Wide Web
70-465 Information Technology Strategy
70-430 International Management

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:30 - 2:50 pm T Slaughter IA SIM Add course to my schedule
R Slaughter IA SIM

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