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70-345 Oral Communications

Department:Business Administration
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In this course, students prepare, present, discuss, and critique the different oral presentations currently practiced in business. Topics include developing verbal and physical presence; planning presentations based on audience needs and expectations; projecting personal credibility, professionalism, and appropriate emotional responses; and using various multi-media technology. Assignments and cases will cover informative and persuasive presentations, which will vary from term to term and may include the following business talks: such as formal public introductions, explanation of policy and/or procedures; employee training sessions; state-of-the-company addresses; sales proposals; team-driven strategic plans; unfavorable annual reports; public interviews with a hostile press; budget proposals.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#71
Rank in this department:#7

  Students also scheduled
70-332 Business, Society and Ethics
70-208 Regression Analysis
70-371 Production I
70-391 Finance I
70-495 Corporate Finance
70-492 Investment Analysis
70-451 Management Information Systems
70-311 Organizational Behavior
70-424 Corporate Financial Reporting
70-240 Business Acting

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am T Pierce TBD TBD Add course to my schedule
R Pierce TBD TBD
B 9:00 - 10:20 am T McGinnis TBD TBD Add course to my schedule
R McGinnis TBD TBD
C 12:00 - 1:20 pm T McGinnis TBD TBD Add course to my schedule
R McGinnis TBD TBD
D 12:00 - 1:20 pm T Kirkpatrick HBH 1510 Add course to my schedule
R Kirkpatrick HBH 1510

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