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18-729 Special Topics in Circuits

Department:Electrical & Comp. Eng.
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Section A: High-Frequency Analog Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling This course covers the design and analysis of high-frequency analog integrated circuits at the transistor level using state of the art CMOS and bipolar technologies. It focuses on practical circuit techniques employed in integrated radio transceivers and high-speed broadband systems. Accurate models for active devices, passive components, and interconnect parasitics are critical to predictive high-frequency analog design and will be examined in detail. The course starts with fundamental concepts in high-frequency designs, trade-offs in integrated versus discrete implementation, and typical design flows for today's high-frequency IC's. Next, RF transistor model, passive matching networks, transmission line design, and S-parameter techniques will be discussed. Design techniques and topology trade-offs for key analog circuits in both narrow-band and broadband systems will be studied including low-noise amplifiers, limiting amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, and high-speed dividers. Both hand calculation and computer simulation will be utilized for design assignments. A brief study of system architectures for wireless and wire-line transceivers will be the final topic for the course.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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