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15-712 Advanced Operating Systems and Distributed Systems

Department:Computer Science
Notes:This course is available to SCS and ECE PhD students only. All other by permis. ion of the instructor only. .
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This course examines the design and analysis of selected aspects of operating systems and distributed systems. It covers topics such as concurrency and distributed communication; fault-tolerance, availability, and persistence; and operating system structure. Lecture focus on the principles used in the design of operating systems and distributed systems, and algorithms and data structures used in their implementation. Readings include case studies, seminal papers, and recent conference and journal articles.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#794
Rank in this department:#33

  Students also scheduled
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19-601 Information Warfare
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15-781 Machine Learning
24-354 General Robotics
15-441 Computer Networks
11-791 Software Engineering for IT

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am M Gibson NSH 1305 Add course to my schedule
W Gibson NSH 1305

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