| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:00 | 05671 A HCI Project | 17614 A Engineering Software Intensive Systems | 05671 A HCI Project | 17614 A Engineering Software Intensive Systems | |
9:30 | 16722 A Sensing and Sensors |
10:00 |
10:30 | 15712 A Advanced Operating Systems and Distributed Systems | 17754 A Analysis of Software Artifacts | 17654 A Analysis of Software Artifacts | 15712 A Advanced Operating Systems and Distributed Systems | 17754 A Analysis of Software Artifacts | 17654 A Analysis of Software Artifacts |
11:00 |
11:30 |
12:00 | | | | |
12:30 | | | | | |
1:00 | | | | | |
1:30 | 16741 A Mechanics of Manipulation | 16731 A Fundamentals of AI for Robotics | 15780 A Advanced Artificial Intelligence Concepts | 16741 A Mechanics of Manipulation | 16731 A Fundamentals of AI for Robotics | 15780 A Advanced Artificial Intelligence Concepts | |
2:00 | |
2:30 | |
3:00 | 17672 A Software Development Studio II | 15826 A Multimedia Databases and Datamining | | 15826 A Multimedia Databases and Datamining | 16897 A Seminar on Robotics |
3:30 | |
4:00 | 05601 A HCI Seminar |
4:30 | 16899 D Special Topics | |
5:00 | | |
5:30 | 17755 A Architectures for Software Systems | 17655 A Architectures for Software Systems | 17755 A Architectures for Software Systems | 17655 A Architectures for Software Systems | 17653 A Managing Software Development |
6:00 |
6:30 | |
7:00 | | | |
7:30 | | | | |