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70-484 Direct and Interactive Marketing

Department:Business Administration
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Direct and Interactive Marketing is a fast growing discipline with special competencies that are impacting and advancing the field of marketing in general. This consumer marketing course develops direct marketing planning skills, explores the future of the field including how interactive marketing is evolving with the internet, and offers students further insight into marketing as a career field of choice. The course incorporates cases, lectures adn a team project to provide a comprehensive understanding of the meaning, uses, and contribution of direct marketing to the firm and consumer.

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  Students also scheduled
70-440 Corporate Strategy
51-271 Design History I
85-241 Social Psychology
70-415 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
70-637 Interactive Media Management
70-451 Management Information Systems
76-383 Multimedia Authoring II
51-315 Digital Imaging
73-200 Macroeconomics
70-340 Business Communications

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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