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76-375 Magazine Writing

Prerequisites:76-260 or 76-270 or 76-271 or 76-372 or 76-472
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PW: 300-level Writing/Rhetoric Course or English Elective. EBA & CW: 300-level English Elective. Prerequisites: 76-260, 76-270, 76-271, 76-372 or 76-472 We'll read a variety of magazine articles (everything from N.Y. Times magazine section to Utne to Smithsonian to Atlantic Monthly and many more) all of which are aimed at a wide, educated audience. The class will be run as a seminar and workshop: each student will produce their own magazine writing, after reading and analyzing the work of other professionals. Students will have freedom to choose their own subjects. Research/interview techniques will be taught. The art and craft of writing (student and professional) will be discussed all term long.

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  Students also scheduled
76-355 The Rhetoric of Making a Difference
76-238 Introduction to Media Studies
76-480 Document Design
76-265 Survey of Forms: Poetry
82-135 Intensive Elementary Chinese
76-390 Style
76-372 Contemporary Journalism
60-453 Advanced PDP: Painting
76-460 Beginning Fiction Workshop
62-371 Photography, The First 100 Years

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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