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57-347 Electronic and Computer Music

Notes:57-101 or equivalent proficiency is a prerequisite for this course. Student. should have the ability to work in the Music Technology Cluster or in som. other similar facility with minimum guidance from the instructor. Specifically the student shoul
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This course builds on the concepts learned in Introduction to Music Technology (57-101) and gives added knowledge in the areas of composition using digital and analog devices as well as various computer programs. Building computer models of both analog and digital synthesizers as well as drum machines, loop players and various other sound processing effects will be covered in detail. Students will be required to produce several projects throughout the course demonstrating their understanding of various concepts in electronic music. More emphasis is placed on the overall quality of the end musical product than in 57-101 in order to prepare students for music production in a professional setting.

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  Students also scheduled
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24-401 Engineering Analysis
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16-362 Mobile Robot Programming Laboratory
57-173 Survey of Western Music History
15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
39-605 Engineering Design Projects
57-338 Sound Editing and Mastering
21-300 Basic Logic
15-384 Robotic Manipulation

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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