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82-474 Topics in Japanese Studies: Youth Culture

Department:Modern Languages
Prerequisites:82-471 or 82-472 or 82-473
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Japanese society is currently confronted with a massive array of social and cultural anomalies among its youth. In the culture which values and emphasizes conformity, the phenomenon is utterly unprecedented. Accordingly, in this course, we will first explore the defining features of these anomalies ? by examining how Japanese youth were portrayed in fictions and films in the 90?s. We will then scrutinize the extent to which these portrayals actually reflect real lives of young Japanese by analyzing newspaper articles and essays commenting on the social issues surrounding them. Finally, we will take a close look at the dramatic social changes, over the past three decades, to trace their long-term impacts ? as a significant factor contributing to the emergence of the new "culture," particularly with respect to the changing youth behaviors. Prerequisite: 82-372, or permission of the instructor.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#895
Rank in this department:#46

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:30 - 2:50 pm T Hayes OSC 206 Add course to my schedule
R Hayes OSC 206

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