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70-481 Marketing Research I

Department:Business Administration
Prerequisites:70-208 or 70-381 or 73-360
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Marketing research is the process of acquiring, analyzing and presenting information used to make marketing decisions. The beginning of the course describes the general process of conducting marketing research. A significant portion of the course focuses on methods of acquiring marketing data through surveys, experimentation, panels and secondary data sources. The remainder concerns methods of data analysis. In particular, we learn the statistical techniques used to make sense of marketing data and to support marketing recommendations.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#630
Rank in this department:#32

  Students also scheduled
70-345 Oral Communications
70-416 New Venture Creation
70-418 Financing Entrepreneurship Ventures
70-208 Regression Analysis
70-371 Production I
70-332 Business, Society and Ethics
70-480 International Marketing
70-342 Managing Across Cultures
70-485 Product Management
85-241 Social Psychology

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 6:30 - 9:20 pm W Corder MM A14 Add course to my schedule

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