| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:30 | 82102 B Elementary French II | 82102 B Elementary French II | 82102 B Elementary French II | | 82102 B Elementary French II |
10:00 | |
10:30 | 90716 D4 Managing in a Multicultural Society | 90716 B3 Managing in a Multicultural Society | 90846 A3 Terror | 90716 D4 Managing in a Multicultural Society | 90716 B3 Managing in a Multicultural Society | 90846 A3 Terror | |
11:00 | |
11:30 | 95824 A Policies of Wireless Systems | 19628 A Policies of Wireless Systems | 18859 B Special Topics in Communications |
12:00 | | 70345 D Oral Communications | | 70345 D Oral Communications |
12:30 | 27510 A Biomaterials I | 42510 A Introduction to Biomaterials I | 27510 A Biomaterials I | 42510 A Introduction to Biomaterials I |
1:00 |
1:30 | | |
2:00 | | | | |
2:30 | 82416 A Topics in French and Francophone Studies | | 82416 A Topics in French and Francophone Studies | | 82416 A Topics in French and Francophone Studies |
3:00 | | |
3:30 | 90740 B Systems Synthesis II | | 90740 B Systems Synthesis II | | |
4:00 | | | |
4:30 | | | |
5:00 | | | | | |
5:30 | 90844 A Public Leadership | 91877 A Marketing the Social Enterprise | 91815 A State and Local Government Law | 91832 A3 Legal Issues in Information Technology | 91812 A4 Budget Management Control in Schools | |
6:00 | |
6:30 | |
7:00 | |
7:30 | |
8:00 | |