2006 Roster
If you have a team photo from this year, please contact us!

Major | Civil Engineering |
Hometown | Pittsburgh, PA |
Height | 5'11" |
Since graduating in 2008, Tommy has had an exceptional ultimate career. He made College Nationals in 2009 with Cal Ugmo, played with Jam for a couple years, and in 2011 he won Club Mixed Nationals with Blackbird. This all pales in comparison to his triumphs at Poultry Days with Chicken Sticky Yum Yum as 'The Whiz Kid' spends every day following the tournament thinking about the next one. He also hates Olive Garden.Major | |
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Played club with Virginia Tech in 2009 and 2010 series. Is now making more money than you'll ever make in TexasMajor | Information Systems |
Hometown | Wexford, PA |
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Joey O has played club for Burgh in 2007, Fingerbang in 2009, Chicken Sticky Yum Yum, and someday hopes to play for Team Rivera in 201?. His interests include water slides, silver spoon jingo jango, homemade dumplings, fingerpickin' blues, house boats, Popeye's, and no more plane tickets to San Francisco.Major | Neuroscience |
Hometown | Cazenovia, MA |
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After declining a career in professional lacrosse, Corey Flynn decided to dominate the sport of Ultimate on the backhand side. He wears a mouthguard to protect from cavities and intimidate opponents. For the last decade, Corey has been throwing 70 yard backhand bombs and 30 yard flick hucks to younger and younger generations of Yuk players. He once made a man’s ear bleed, destroyed a man’s knee, and in a single season, he "indirectly" injured Max Gillett twice. He is the proud inventor of the nickname "Bunnelvision" and his favorite place to eat after a tournament is "your mom’s house." In all seriousness, Corey Flynn helped lead the Mr Yuk program to such great heights as both a player and coach. This summer, Corey will leave the Pittsburgh area for the first time in six years and head to Boston where he will study as a Bioinformatics Scientist. We shall miss you greatly Dr. Flynn.Major | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Hometown | Baltimore, MD |
Height | 5'11" |
A member of Mr Yuk since 2003, Riv played for Burgh from 06-07 and in 2008 he helped found Casual Encounters and has played with them ever since. To this day, Riv continues to work on his hucks an would like to use this space to mention that despite being nicknamed Hot Sauce, Phil Lowe never managed to eat Fat Head's volcano/suicide wings so no on ever called him hot sauce again. He's also still impressed that Dean Eberhardt managed to pull off a Yuk themed wedding (green, white, and black color scheme).Major | Chemical Engineering |
Hometown | Oneida, NY |
Height | 5'9" |
During his career, Phil collected injuries like boy scout bages: separated shoulder, intramuscular hematoma, sprained ankle, complete ACL tear, hamstring tear. Some of his fondest memories are of 0-8 weekends, 3-point losses to nationals quarterfinal teams, 30+ mph crosswinds, establishing a streak of not having a travel called on him (currently stands at 9 years), watching Pitt grow from a team we could beat easily to a national power, nearly starting an on-field 4-team melee, and all you can eat chicken at Church's in Savannah. He also completed the Ironman Lousiville one year after his second knee surgery. Phil has these words of wisdom for throwers, "Learn to pivot hard and far, you can beat any mark if you want to."Major | |
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Software Engineer @ EA. Played for various summer/winter/spring leagues since 2002.Major | Biology and Chemistry |
Hometown | Lombard, IL |
Height | 5'7" |
First captain of Harmful If Swallowed and helped us through the growing pains of losing most of our games. Played three injury riddled years for Yuk/Harmful, but still loved his time with the team. Currently a grad student at yale. He loved the Not Mark Ma t-shirt Jeremy made.